![Marie Glaize anonyme](manuscrit_anonyme.jpg)
Piece of drawing found on the ground
![Marie Glaize anonyme](Marie_Glaize_Anonyme_face.jpg)
![Marie Glaize anonyme](Marie_Glaize_Anonyme_dos.jpg)
Badge made from this found drawing
![Marie Glaize anonyme](Marie_Glaize_Anonyme.jpg)
A badge made from a found drawing is industrially produced in an edition of 500. Each one of these badges is intended to be traded for a found drawing, in order to establish a collection of drawings made by anonymous authors.
![Marie Glaize anonyme](dessinstrouves.jpg)
The website anonyme.group documents this collection as it goes along. If you want to take part and make a trade, feel free to make your request!